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Often people believe they have recovered from a trauma because they no longer have the intense reactions they had immediately after the experience. While the traumatic event may no longer be a constant intrusive thought, this does not mean the trauma is not affecting them. The human brain is hardwired to push traumatic events to the back of the mind as a survival mechanism. Therefore, the fact that a trauma is not on a person’s mind does not necessarily mean that the trauma is not still affecting them.

When people are incarcerated, they are exposed to many traumatizing experiences and dangers, and they often develop certain behaviors in order to cope and stay safe in that environment. Once a person is released from prison, it is common for them to still act as if they are still incarcerated. However, this is not a conscious decision, but rather the result of ingrained survival-mode behaviors. They are essentially living in an invisible cell, still in prison in their mind.

When people have a traumatic experience, they typically react in one of two ways; they either have a fight or flight reaction or they dissociate. While these mechanisms are vital to survival in dangerous and traumatic moments, they become disruptive and damaging when carried over into everyday life. These intense overwrought reactions to everyday life experiences are indications that we are locked in our trauma. Although we may not be consciously thinking of the trauma, it is still there, like a jail cell with invisible bars.

Healing from trauma takes time. It is imperative that we process our trauma and come to terms with how it has affected our daily lives. Acknowledge the existence of trauma responses and identify why they developed. Through processing trauma and identifying maladaptive beliefs and behaviors we can work toward unlocking the door of that cell.

We are always here for you. Please contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our team to begin working on your own self-care plan. Or sign up for one of our group programs.

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