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Using the mindfulness approach we can rewire our brain. Incorporating mindfulness into our days slows the brain down. This will take some practice on your part to initiate the process because the fast brain will attempt to supersede the slow brain.

Let’s practice a three-step Mindfulness exercise:

Step 1: Find a comfortable area where there is little disturbance. Lie or sit down. Try to clear your mind, and bring awareness to what you are feeling, thinking, and seeing. Bring each observation to your awareness, and then allow each to leave one by one. Beginning with your thinking, then feeling, followed by seeing. Close your eyes, leaving behind the present moment.

Step 2: Bring awareness to your breath, six times for one minute. The goal is to focus on your breathing; inhaling, hold in for five seconds, and exhaling, through your mouth, as your chest rises and falls.

Step 3: Now you will expand awareness outward, first to the body, then to the environment. Allow your awareness to expand outwardly to your body. You may experience some sensations leaving your body, if so, visualize these sensations leaving the body.

When you complete this exercise, open your eyes slowly and try to take your mindfulness with you as you go about your day.

We can apply mindfulness to other aspects of our life, such as our nutrition and exercise. Some of the many benefits to the regular practice of mindfulness include increased awareness, reduced stress, centered breathing, and an overall sense of improved lifestyle.

We are always here for you. Please contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our team to begin working on your own self-care plan. Or sign up for one of our group programs.

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